Category: Business-Economy-Finance

  • Project AIROC: The Reality of Urban Air Mobility, Defence and public security

    Project AIROC: The Reality of Urban Air Mobility, Defence and public security

    Flying Closer with AIROC. Urban Air Mobility (UAM), once the realm of science fiction, is swiftly becoming a reality in cities around the world. With the advent of innovative platforms like AIROC (Air over the City), autonomous air transportation is poised to revolutionize urban mobility in the near future. As we witness the dawn of…

  • Remote Digital Health and eMH2 Project

    Remote Digital Health and eMH2 Project

    Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Rise of Remote Patient Monitoring and the eMH2 as a Platform In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the healthcare industry stands on the brink of a transformative shift. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), also known as continuous patient monitoring, emerges as a beacon of hope in addressing the challenges of accessibility,…

  • Harnessing the Power of AI in Construction and Construction Management

    Harnessing the Power of AI in Construction and Construction Management

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across the globe, and the construction sector is no exception. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, optimize processes, and automate tasks, AI is reshaping the way construction projects are planned, executed, and managed. From predictive analytics to autonomous machinery, the power of AI in construction is…

  • Protected: Super Airport System Design and iMSI

    Protected: Super Airport System Design and iMSI

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  • Protected: Concept of Smart cities

    Protected: Concept of Smart cities

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  • Protected: HRI Roboethics: Who Cares!

    Protected: HRI Roboethics: Who Cares!

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  • A Last Few Years for AI (TUR)

    A Last Few Years for AI (TUR)

    YZ için büyük bir İnsanlık için daha bir büyük adım… Bu adım bir yıkımın başlangıcı mı yoksa savaşın ayak sesleri mi kestirmek kolay değil ama insanlık zor bir döneme girecek. Aslında elimizle büyüttüğümüz bir sistemin zekice düşünen insanlar tarafından ipleri eline alarak kontrolsüzce (kültürel, felsefik paradigma) ilerlemesi ve işlere el koymasından bahsediyorum. Bu çok yeni…

  • Next Gen. Jobs and Employment Paradigm (TUR)

    Next Gen. Jobs and Employment Paradigm (TUR)

    “Yeni nesil” veya “Gelecek Nesil”, çoğu zaman “yeni dünya düzeni” ile çok yakın kullanılan kavramlar. Yeni düzen, sistem, paradigma ne kadar işleri çözecek tam olarak bilmiyoruz …gibi. Evet birçok işi robotları ve teknolojik sistemlerin üstlendiğinin ve bunun giderek arttığının farkındayız, değil mi? Peki bu nereye kadar gidecek? Aslında teknoloji (başta AI) ve robotik endüstrisinin gidebileceği…

  • Quantum Computing and Big Vectors

    Quantum Computing and Big Vectors

    The concept of artificial intelligence (AI), one of the most significant and intriguing gifts of technology, was conceived in the late 1940s, though it only began to materialize by the late 1990s. AI, which emerged almost 20 years ago, is a complex mathematical science that enables inanimate devices to learn, producing astonishing results. This foundational…

  • Protected: Super Aviation Era -2 : Smart Airline Model

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